Cité internationale des arts © Maurine Tric / Adagp, Paris 2024
Sonic Reading, OPEN STUDIO'S, curated by CENTRE CULTUREL SUISSE, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, 2024
TENDER TEXTURES is a series of (sound-) readings. The material consists of a compilation of sonic elements and various poems. Dreams, sensual/somatic observations, scripts or conversations have influenced these texts and move between the affective, feeling of subjectivity, of the ‘self’ and its boundaries. Searching for a certain consciousness, expanding the sensibility to the textural, material world we find ourselves, and trying to find a vocabulary for it. The poems oscillate from the sensing of the ‘I’ to the unified ‘we’ to the attempted, (im)possible dissolution of the subject, from the semantic to non-semantic; the words become incomprehensible vocal sounds and vibrations, literally noise, as an inclusive space for all unheard voices.